
Sur cette île, tout est gentillesse et courtoisie.

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5 commentaires sur “Accueil

  1. I like Your pictures because they are placed here without a tons of editing/manipulation with PS or other applications (pure photography), and this is not only reason of course.

  2. Thanks for comment. It was at the begining of the numeric pictures and I changed only sharpness before size reducing. Now my experience is that without PS study I could destroy a photo. I prefer take a time to shoot, use raw+jpeg and finish to modify raw if jpeg is bad. I modify only curve, sharpness and saturation (not every time). During trips, I use jpeg.
    Do you undurstand my english? (joke!)

  3. Exactly! This is what I’m about, I do not say that using PS (or other apps.) is wrong at all. I just do not like when people sometimes completely « overwrite » original image with a lot of effects etc. (I’m not about photomanipulation- completely different branch of photography). I like when pictures stay as pure as possible. Thanks for reply and share your photography experience!

    • I Chenias,
      I agree but we can’t do anything face to that problem. We have to do a personnal choice. Each one is’nt owner of the art!
      Sometime it’s fantastic, sometime it’s bad depending of our eyes.
      With pleasure.

      • Yes, You’re right Alain.
        Everyone should focus on what he likes, and try to do his best in this matter, than others like it or not… Regards!

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